Couple months ago, we wrote about action MMO APB and its unique payment model which offered free time with purchase, unlimited play in certain "modes" and then multiple types of payment options, and lastly, earnable game time simply by playing.
Now we learn the game will feature audio ads once it launches next week, though like the payment models, it's flexible and in a sense, reasonable. The ads can be dropped for 30, 90 or 180 days for an additional fee (not mentioned), and play a minimum of once every three hours. Also, they only play when first entering a district, so they won't interrupt heated action. Hopefully, the ads feel integrated with the game world itself, too.
Keeping in mind APB's budget is about $50 million and EA is considering a console port, we don't mind this too much with the kill fee in mind -- at least they're being creative with funding and offering gamers a choice.
Alternate Source:APB forums
Section:PC Games
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