In 2005, Vivendi put a temporary stop to Phoenix Online Studios' fan-made King's Quest sequel, later granting them a non-commercial license so that development could continue. Then the IP fell into Activision's hands, and production officially ceased -- until now, anyway.
Recent developments prove that petitions don't always fail. After the group's King's Quest game, titled The Silver Lining, was halted by Acti, fans banded together and raised one helluva stink. This week, Activision announced their decision to re-authorize the fan sequel, and Phoenix is continuing with their original plans to distribute The Silver Lining episodically.
"Phoenix Online Studios and Activision have worked together over the last few months to build a relationship that will enable The Silver Lining to be freely distributed to its eager fans."
The first episode, What Is Decreed Must Be, will be released next weekend on July 10.
Section:PC Games
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