If you own an Xbox 360, timed exclusives are a pretty frequent perk. The latest early preview 360 owners are getting is the Kane & Lynch 2 demo, which features both single-player and multiplayer modes.
You'll get to test the new Arcade Mode too (above image), which is basically the single-player version of Fragile Alliance. Instead of playing with an Alliance of live people, you're aiding an NPC team in their heist. Fragile Alliance will also be playable, along with other multiplayer modes Undercover Cop and Cop & Robbers.
Here's the full rundown.
A brief look at the brutal single-player Story ModeAbility to sharpen heist skills in new Arcade Mode
All-encompassing access to the highly anticipated Multiplayer modes:
Fragile Alliance - up to eight players - celebrated multiplayer experience based on Greed, Betrayal & Revenge, extended with more risk and more rewards. Work together as a team to escape with as much loot as possible, within a four minute time period. Players will need to move fast, if they decide to turn on the team and make off with the money on their own. Die and respawn as a cop to prevent the heist.
Undercover Cop – up to eight players - adds an extra level of paranoia to Fragile Alliance as teams are infiltrated by a mole set to stop the alliance.
Cops & Robbers – up to 12 players - Creates a new team-mode dynamic with Robbers trying to protect their loot and Cops trying to retrieve it.
Other platforms will be getting the demo "prior to game launch."
Update: Added new screenshots of Arcade Mode. Check them out below, in the gallery.
Image GallerySections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles
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