So the big day for StarCraft IIhas come and gone but like any new game release, there's always going to be a few problems. Blizzard has got their fans covered with a list of known bugs and issues are at the moment.
Some of the bigger problems you want to look out for is are game crashes if you're using NVIDIA drivers on Mac OS 10.6 and graphic cards overheating due to the game going idle. Most of these hitches have workarounds to get rid of them while the rest are more than likely getting ironed out by Blizzard.
Keep an eye on the source links to know about any new problems and solutions that are likely to arise. Users are able to submit bugs on Blizzard's boards so feel free to get some help from them.
Source:StarCraft II | Current list of bugs
Alternate Source:StarCraft II | Known Issues
Section:PC Games
|Starcraft II Launch In Progress