Mega Man fans are going back into the future as the first details of Mega Man Online (Rockman Online overseas) have been revealed. Mega Man X and Zero are once again going to take on a new threat, possibly from one that hasn't been seen in awhile.
Gameplay will take the form of a 2D side-scrolling RPG with 3D visuals (similar to Mega Man X8 and Maverick Hunter X) where users can encounter other players and various NPCs. No platform has been announced yet but the PC seems to be the likely candidate as developer NeoWiz is known for working on PC MMOs.
There's also some new artwork focusing on X and Zero available, one of which may be of most interest to fans. Why? The head of arch rival Sigma can be seen in the background, hinting at a long overdue return of the Maverick Leader.
Image GallerySource:Mediot
Alternate Source:Protodude's Rockman Corner
Section:PC Games
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