In case there was any question, particularly after the release of the fabulous Dragon Age: Origins, BioWare is still backing the PC like crazy. The studio's designer and writing director Daniel Erickson says there's a lot of misconceptions about the platform that go around, but for them it's a very successful format.
In our interview with Mass Effect 2 project director Casey Hudson back in January, he noted Dragon Age was "making an incredibly strong case for the viability of large single-player PC games, which seem to have struggled in recent years." Erickson echoes these sentiments today, stating things are as good as ever.
"Every two or three years we hear the announcement of fantasy being dead, PC gaming being dead and RPGs being dead. And yet, all of the biggest games that ever come out - that set the records - are nearly always PC games, and a lot of them are fantasy games. The biggest game in the world is a fantasy, PC, RPG MMO.
We all know the drawbacks of PC. We all scream at our boxes and try to make stuff work. But at the same time, the interface is made for games. The mouse/keyboard interface allows so much less restriction [than console]."
He later adds this is the reason there was "no question" Star Wars: The Old Republic would be the lead format, and the same went for Dragon Age -- it's just the "natural place to be."
To reference another interview, Stardock CEO Brad Wardell told us in March, "When PlayStation and all that came out, it ate into the PC market. Other than that brief time, it was always like what it is today. Basically, everything's just returning to the historic norm." He added the biggest reason PC games don't sell sometimes is they're not built for the hardware that's in most people's systems, not piracy or console gaming or anything else.
That enough debunking for ya?
Section:PC Games
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