Monday, February 2, 2009

Video game sales grew in 2008

Video game sales grew in 2008

Despite inundating you with depressing news about video games/technology and the economy, sales actually went up in 2008, according to Top Global Markets, the folks who merge data from smashing good services NPD, GfK Chart-Track and Enterbrain.

Discounting online sales, 409.9 million units were sold, versus 2007's 367.7, meaning an 11 percent increase overall -- 15 and 26 percent in the US and UK, respectively. Japan, however, suffered a decline of 13 points, attributed to "a decline in portable software, followed by console software", noting current-gen isn't a factor but "the shrinking PlayStation 2 software market". However, this goes to show how well things went elsewhere.

The UK also beat out the US for category growth last year, too, ascending 38 points in console sales and 6 for portables; the States grew 22 and 2, respectively.

"There are some incredible statistics within the Top Global Markets Report that highlight the differences between the three major markets in the world," said Dorian Bloch, Business Group Director, GfK Chart-Track Limited. "In fact, UK console videogame software units are more than double what was achieved in 2003, which just shows how fast the UK market has been growing."

Bloch states the UK industry "has for the first time overtaken Japan" as the second largest sector in the world, the first being the US, now down partly due to major population disparities.

Software sales in America grew 15 points over 2007, with 268.4 million units sold in total, almost a 36 million figure difference.

According to NPD analyst Anita Frazier, "Only two months in 2008 saw a decline in unit sales in the U.S., with one due in large part to the release of 360 Halo 3 in Sept '07 and the other due to an additional week in the Jan '07 retail calendar."

This year is to be a bright one for software, too, if Enterbrain is to be believed:

"Looking ahead to 2009, a string of star titles are lined up to hit the market, including DS's Dragon Quest IX: Hoshizora no Mamoribito," said Ricky K Tanimoto, Global Marketing Analyst, Enterbrain, Inc. "There are also big console titles scheduled for release in 2009, such as Monster Hunter 3 and Final Fantasy XIII -- leading us to anticipate the console software market will fuel sales of this year’s gaming market."

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