Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Sims 3 Delayed

Sure to upset the Simlish-speaking crowd, Electronic Arts has announced that they've officially delayed the release of their highly anticipated people-sim, The Sims 3. Previously scheduled for release on February 20th, the game is now expected to hit stores worldwide on June 2nd. Why the delay? EA's Russell Arons explains:

"The June launch combined with the break-through game the team is building gives us the perfect runway to create awareness for The Sims 3," said Russell Arons, Vice President of Marketing for EA. "The Sims 3 will be the original IP summer blockbuster of 2009 as we build off the success of the best-selling PC franchise of all time to create awareness with both loyal Sims fans and new players."

I guess someone, somewhere isn't aware of The Sims 3. Cue marketing onslaught! :x

NPD: retail PC game sales, week of 1/17
Sims 3 release officially postponed to June
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