Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BlizzCon 2009 Announced

Blizzard has announced today their plans for BlizzCon in 2009. It's once again going to be held in Anaheim, California - near the Blizzard US offices. BlizzCon 2009 will be held August 21-22 and will encompass all things Blizzard. Obviously both Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 will be showcased, but it remains to be seen if Blizzard is going to announce something new as well - cue speculation and excitement. Obvious candidate for a big announcement is the inevitable next World of Warcraft expansion. Blizzard might also theoretically surprise everyone by unveiling their unnamed big MMO project (known to be under development for some time now) early, but personally I expect that we'll have to wait until 2010 to hear anything official about it.

Blizzard has expanded the event and this time it's going to encompass four convention halls.

In response to the festival's increasing popularity, this year's event has been expanded from three convention halls to four.

"We've been amazed by the incredible response to each of our previous BlizzCon events," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Bl 2088 izzard Entertainment. "We're pleased to be bringing the convention back to Anaheim this year, and we look forward to this new opportunity to meet Blizzard gamers from around the world."

Details about ticket sales will be reveled closer to the event on the BlizzCon website and they are once again bound to be sold out in record time. Let's hope they have sorted out their ticket sales infrastructure for this year - last year rabid fans effectively DDOSed the ticket sales servers to a smoking crater and succesful ticket purchases required considerable amount of luck.

Blizzard ditches E3 2009
NPD: retail PC game sales, week of 1/17
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