Over at Eidos Montreal's Deus Ex 3 community forums, a very interesting image popped up today. It is just a crop of an image, of a guy (presumably the hero Adam) lighting a lighter. EM's forum mod and Community Guy Renee had this curious thing to say about it :"I can't say a darn thing about this other than people who like to go into details will shortly have some new material to dissect."
For many games, this statement would not be too much of a big deal. But for fans of Deus Ex -- which many folks consider to be one of the best games of all time -- this image popping up is a bit of a big deal, because Eidos Montreal has been holding pretty much all Deus Ex 3 news close to the chest, with nary even a in-game screenshot released of the much-anticipated sequel, even though it's supposedly due to come out this year.
The image certainly seems rendered to the point where is not an in-game screenshot, but instead, a small portion of a frame taken from a rendered cutscene from the game. It seems likely this hint points to the release of the first real trailer for the game -- so far, only a teaser trailer has come out. Many folks will be anxious to see this trailer, as it is made by the folks at Square, normally responsible for Final Fantasy cinematics, which are, of course, of very high quality. It will be interesting to see the fruits of this project's East-meets-West design philosophy, with the Japanese animators and artists reportedly pursuing a more Western-style re-imagined cyberpunk look.
Unfortunately, as much as this teaser image gets fans of the games' hopes up for the trailer, the "shortly" as said by Renee may not be "shortly." We hope the trailer does drop soon, but would not be surprised if "shortly" actually means a few more months, as this game doesn't seem to be too far into development, judging from what very little information has been released, and the complete absence of any screenshots.
And one more thing to mention: in other Deus Ex 3 related news, it looks like the official name for the game will be Deus Ex: Human Revolution, judging from trademarks filed by the companies involved.
Source:DE3 forums
Section:PC Games
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