Sunday, February 21, 2010

Civilization V coming soon to a PC near you

Civilization V coming soon to a PC near you

Civ fans: prepare to get your feathers aruffle, as a new entry in the series has just been announced. Civilization V comes to us from longtime developer Firaxis Games, and tentatively at least, is PC exclusive.

V is poised as a revamp; the game will feature a new engine built from the ground up, bringing with it "an entirely new combat system, deeper diplomatic interactions and a cavalcade of expanded features."

Specifically, and as you can see from the screenshots below, hexagon tiles will be introduced, a la Elven Legacy and other such titles. There's also animated leaders which speak in their native language (very nice touch), and "ranged bombardment" (there's a lovely juxtaposition of words).

Staying loyal to the fans, 2K and Firaxis will also be supporting an "extensive suite" of community, modding and multiplayer elements.

The game is currently set for an autumn release.

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Source:Press release

Section:PC Games


Civilization V coming soon to a PC near you

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