The usual Team Fortress 2 skirmish consists of 12 players per team with a couple of players using two or three of the same class. But tonight's update to TF2 introduces a mode with a new set of rules that aims to add a challenge for veteran players and offer a much tighter team-oriented experience.
Highlander Mode, once enabled on a server, restricts each team to nine players and only allows one of each class per team. You might at first think this will make those gunfights more manageable but then comes a startling revelation: each class is now a valuable asset for the team. Medics everywhere will now need all the protection they need, the one sentry made by an Engineer must be strategically placed and defended at all costs, and Pyros will have to adamantly check for Spies before one backstab makes a team's strategy go full halt. Essentially, Highlander Mode makes things balanced and challenging, not to mention damn fun.
Highlander Mode could also be used to stray away from undesirable gameplay situations such as turtling and those dreaded stalemates that always arise in Capture the Flag games. So the next time you enter the battlefield, choose wisely because you're going to be "credit to team" more than ever before.
Source:Steam News
Section:PC Games
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