Whoops, looks like we spoke too soon. Though the PC listing for Dead Space 2 was dropped from EA's latest financial report, and a spokesperson stated there were "no plans" for it anymore, things seem to have changed.
Our very favourite producer at EA (this is all you need to know), Jeff Green, has stated on his Twitter page, "Rumor fact check: There *will* be a PC version of Dead Space 2. Worry not!" Shortly after this, he writes, "Fact checking my fact check: Dead Space 2 PC is just "Under Consideration." DOH I'm just an excitable PC dork. Should I start the petition?" Yes Jeff, yes you should.
Sounds like PR was giving him dirty looks again.
Green also assuages another fan worried about the new action focus, saying, "We'll see. They still are emphasizing the horror....but I haven't seen it enough yet myself to judge for sure..."
Source:Jeff Green (Greenspeak) on Twitter
Section:PC Games
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