Monday, February 8, 2010

THQ embraces digital with studio renaming

THQ embraces digital with studio renaming

THQ is laying off about 60 people presently, but being smart about it, has decided to reform its Juice Games and Rainbow Studios divisions into digital content facilities.

THQ Digital Studios will be set up in Warrington and Phoenix, and will expand on "core game brands and new original intellectual properties" with a new digital platform to connect it all together.

Currently, games are in development for "all major digital platforms", including Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network, iPhone and iPad. The company expects these to be released by September of next year.

Fans of the MV vs. ATV series will still see installments released under the Rainbow Studios brand.

Source:THQ Investor & Media Relations

Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles, Handheld Games


THQ embraces digital with studio renaming

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