Ubisoft's strategy game The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom is having a rough time in certain parts of the world. According to the company and also a ton of customers in certain countries ("especially" Australia), playing the game is impossible.
As many know, The Settlers 7 is part of Ubi's new DRM scheme which requires a constant Internet connection for play. The problem some gamers have been having is they can't connect in the first place due to network location and technicalities. Additionally, those who are getting in have reported various crashes and freezes which appear to be network-related.
Ubisoft offers up some potential solutions (check the source if you're affected), but for the most part at least, users are still having trouble. At least one user had his problem fixed by contacting support, so you may want to give that a shot.
The Settlers 7 launched Thursday in Australia; it is now Tuesday with no end-all fix in sight. If this keeps up, we expect Ubisoft will have to do more damage control as they did for the Assassin's Creed II / Silent Hunter 5 debacle, giving out free content (whole games in some cases).
Source:ubi.com Forums
Alternate Source:Games On Net
Section:PC Games
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