Today's a big day for all World of Warcraft players as the hefty 4.0.1 update rolls in major mechanics changes to every class. Everyone will want to take a bit of time to get used to the new adjustments.
Much of what's here will call for some different playing styles but it's all for the sake of balancing things out and even adding some convenience if you're a Hunter or Warlock. If your class isn't showing up here, don't fret since Blizzard just wanted to clarify a few things. Every class got their fair share of tweaks.
Death Knights - Blood talent tree now exclusively focused on tanking. Runes now regenerate sequentially instead of all at once (if you use two runes, the first rune fills up first before the second starts to fill).Druids - Balance Druids get new sun/moon bar. Arcane spells cause the bar moving towards the sun, which activates a Solar Eclipse and buffs Nature spells. Likewise, Nature spells can cause a Lunar Eclipse that buff Arcane magic.Hunters - Mana replaced by Focus. Call Pet now allows players to summon any of five pets (use a Stable Master to set up your selection) and pets now provide a party buff. Ammo has been removed and pouches/quivers have been replaced with bags of equal value.Paladins - New Holy Power resource acts as combo points for the holy knights. Build up Holy Power to use extra skills such as an instant-cast free heal.Warriors - Rage generation no longer based on damage by auto-attacks. Each auto-attack now gives a set amount of rage (more Rage can be had if you cast Haste to speed up auto-attacks). Rage generated by taking damage now based on own HP, not enemy's level.Warlocks - Soul Shards now a resource instead of items (shard bags converted to normal bags of equal value). Each Warlock now has three Soul Shards that are used up when using the Soul Burn skill. Using Soul Burn changes some effect of the next spell a Warlock casts.
Definitely use the background downloader to grab the patch as it clocks in over 5GB.
Source:World of Warcraft
Section:PC Games

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