Team Fortress 2's "Mann-conomy" update has served a substantial payday for those who contributed their items to the game. Five Steam community members were served paychecks ranging from $39,000 to $47,000 just from the first two weeks of sales.
The demand for buying items was surprisingly high considering items were going for as much as $20. Spencer Kern, one of the community content creators, was surprised by the turnout:
"It's astounding that so many people want to purchase the items that came out of the community. The response exceeded my wildest expectations. There really is no doubt at this point that there's a huge demand for community-created content in TF2 and, hopefully, more games will start to tap into this demand."
If you want a shot at making a quick buck just by making an item or two for Team Fortress 2, head over to the Contribute page to see how you can get in.
Section:PC Games
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