Disney Interactive Studios confirms with Kotaku that it has cancelled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned, the action RPG previously planned for release on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Unfortunately, putting an indefinite hold on production for Armada of the Damned had an immediate effect on internal developer Propaganda Games, which happens to be based right here in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Angela Emery, Disney Interactive Studios' VP of communication, explains that Propaganda's resources will instead be shifted toward TRON: Evolution, which they were also tasked with producing. TRON remains on track for release later this December 7th, but axeing Armada of the Damned meant a serious restructuring one of the two development teams at Propaganda. As many as 100 Propaganda employees previously part of the Armada of the Damned team have now been laid off, while any remaining team members were transferred to the one already working on TRON.
Media impressions for Armada of the Damned continued to emerge as recently as this May, and were largely positive. IGN for instance reported that Propaganda (at the time) had high hopes for becoming Disney's internal action RPG studio of choice through its efforts on Armada of the Damned. However, word of friction between Disney Interactive Studios and Propaganda's top brass emerged beginning earlier last month, and now it appears we're seeing the real fallout.
Alternate Source:Gamasutra
Sections:Console Games, PC Games
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