2K recently stated the BioShock 2 DLC "Minerva's Den" and "Protector Trials" would not be coming to PC, however, lucky for fans, they've changed course and resumed development on both, as well as a patch. And as a sweet bonus uncharacteristic of 2K, the "Protector Trials" content will be free to all.
Community manager 2K Elizabeth explains it was all for "technical and timing" reasons:
"In terms of the patch and the Protector Trials, we had a working build but there were bugs in the code that would trigger problems with the game during specific situations, and we were not happy enough with the status of the build to release it for certification with Microsoft. As time moved on, we could not resolve these issues to our standards and so could not release to cert. As with all games, however, the dev cycle must end and patches and updates must conclude so that the team can move on to other projects. We hit that deadline without the content being in a state we were satisfied with, so we did not release it."
She explains because they are community-oriented, after listening to the fans since the initial announcement, they've decided to go back and do it. See -- complaining does work sometimes!
The patch and Protector Trials DLC are expected to hit in December. Minerva's Den, meanwhile, they're not sure on, but it will arrive eventually.
"Often, development is not a smooth and straight forward path," 2K Elizabeth concludes. "We never want to disappoint our gamers and we will always listen to what you have to say and try to do what's right for you and the game. I want to thank all of you not only for your feedback, but also for your patience and understanding."Source:2K Forums
Section:PC Games
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