Crysis developer Crytek are planning to release a free development platform at some point in the future. Given that Unreal and Unity both adopted new free to use, pay to license models last year (and have seen wild success with it), Crytek is stepping up its game and planning to compete with both.
While similar in part to CryEngine 2, it will go beyond previous offerings, according to CEO Cevat Yerli.
“We have a very vivid community of users and modders and content creators, and usually that’s a great way of unlocking the engine,” he commented. “That being said, it’s not the same as what Epic or Unity are currently doing, but we are now pushing harder on this area. We did it before already, but we haven’t pushed it that far yet.”
He then confirmed they want to make a standalone free platform, operable independent of CryEngine, but "up to speed" with the latest version.
In the end, the more quality engines competing for developers' attention, the more healthy and varied titles will be, so this is good news for gamers.
Sections:Console Games, OS & Software, PC Games
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