As of today, Blizzard has completed detailing its first batch of class updates for the upcoming World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. Players are given a hearty glimpse of what's in store for their favorite job and see what the developers are striving for.
All classes have received a couple of new spells and talents, changes to current talents and passive skills, and revamps in abilities and mechanics. Expect some dramatic changes such as the removal of Cleansing Totems from Shamans, dedicating Blood as a tanking tree for Death Knights, and Hunters now using Focus instead of Mana. Blizzard notes that what's been posted so far is not a complete list of changes and are subject to change at any time.
These class changes are but one part of the new content from Cataclysm. Players who will venture into the revamped Azeroth will find Alliance Worgen and Horde Trolls joining the fray along with seeing nearly the entire world being reshaped due to the return of Deathwing the Destroyer. Blizzard promises to reveal more details as Cataclysm enters its beta phase.
Source:World of Warcraft Forums
Section:PC Games
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