Going to have to let the developer start this one off:
BRITAIN. Land of Hope and Glory-holes. Where pregnant, waddling teenagers take up the full width of the pavement with their oversized triplet pushchairs, unaware that their rampant, perpetual humping has filled them to the brim with all manner of grotty infections.
Privates is a platform twin-stick shooter in which you lead a teeny-tiny gang of condom-hatted marines as they delve into peoples’ vaginas and bottoms and blast away at all manner of oozy, shouty monsters.
The Xbox LIVE and PC game is funded by the UK's infamous Channel 4, which has been into the gaming scene lately. Developer Zombie Cow Studios' Dan Marshall says "[they've] been awesome in giving us a load of money and then keeping pretty quiet no matter how filthy and objectionable the content became. It’s gone really well.”
Privates features five levels across a variety of locales, a fully-voiced comedic script, and a "nutso" soundtrack, not to mention the edutainment factor (or "learnmedy" as Sarah Silverman would call it).
The game is expected to launch this summer on PC, where it will be free to download from the Channel 4 and E4 websites (hopefully Impulse and Steam and such, at some point too). The Xbox version "will probably cost a bit of money."
More to come soon.
Image GallerySource:Press release
Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games