Is your Shepard's biotic push just not crushing your foe's bones hard enough? With the help of the "Equalizer Pack" arriving May 5, you can turn those dinky shoves into launchers, along with giving your powers a nice boost.
The spiffy "Equalizer Pack" is aimed at players who heavily use omni-tools and biotic amps in battles. It will add three items to Mass Effect 2's vast array of equipment:
Capacitor Helmet - Recharges your shield faster.Archon Visor - Reduces recharge time of omni-tools and biotics.
Inferno Armor - Increase movement speed and power of tech and biotic damage. Built-in stress analysis software gives Shepard an edge in conversations. Was offered as a pre-order bonus for ME2 at release.
That Inferno Armor sounds perfect for you Renegades out there. The "Equalizer Pack" can be purchased for 160 Microsoft Points or 160 BioWare Points this Wednesday.
Source:BioWare | Mass Effect 2
Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games
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