In the words of Professor Farnsworth: "Good news, everyone!"
Looks like War for Cybertron, a.k.a. that Transformers game that was actually really awesome, is getting a sequel. Hasbro revealed just this weekend that the game was already in development and is expected to wrap up in time for 2012.
So sayeth Mark Blecher, SVP and General Manager of Digital Media & Gaming:
"This is the most highly-rated, critical success of any game that's had the Hasbro brand yet and we're looking forward to a sequel in 2012."
No word yet on who the development studio is, though we're thinking High Moon Studios might be responsible, given the killer job they did with the first War for Cybertron. Here's hoping they stick with G1 and somehow include more Stan Bush.
Blecher also mentioned Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be releasing in 2011 alongside the third live-action film. We're not quite as confident about that one, for a very valid reason: Michael Bay.
Thanks for the tip, Nagare!
Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles