Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Guild Clears All Lich King Content

While us mere mortals are happy to just have finished leveling our first character to level 80 while sleeping only a few hours for the past three days, the hardcore is once again on whole another level. Two of the top World of Warcraft guilds, Nihilum and SK-Gaming recently merged under the label "TwentyFifthNovember" and they have pulled off quite a feat. In 65 hours and 30 minutes they...

Got full 25-man raid worth of characters to level 80 (a very impressive feat on its own)Cleared 25-man Naxxramas, all four side wings and Frostwyrm wing, including Kel'thuzad in 4.5 hoursCleared 25-man Obsidian Sanctum and killed SartharionCleared 25-man Eye of Eternity and killed Malygos

Wrath of t 233f he Lich King (what's available so far) cleared in less than 72 hours after launch! Partly a testament to the stability of the servers after launch (they have worked almost flawlessly), partly to the uncompromising attitude of Kungen and his team. They just... I'm speechless. I know that it's quite possible, if hard, to hit level 80 in less than three days (done that myself), but to actually have a full raid ready in that time and then manage to clear all the raid content straight through without any breaks after such a non-stop leveling rush is just something that's hard to comprehend.

Even if you consider that two of those three raids are just a single boss encounter (similar to Magtheridon), it's still a mind-boggling feat. It also means that you can beat all the current content without spending one moment gearing up your characters after hitting 80 - a marked disappointment for end game raid guilds. Granted, Blizzard still has at least two, probably three major raid instances scheduled to be added to WOTLK over the course of the next year or so. Let's hope they offer some actual challenge.

TwentyFifthNovember states;

We are proud to declare that all WOTLK PVE raid content has now been cleared. This is both a moment of triumph and a cause for concern. The question in all our minds right now is if we could do this, how soon until the rest of the top guilds in the world clear all the raid content that WOTLK has to offer? Did Blizzard miscalculate in the tuning of these encounters? Or is this Blizzard folding under the weight of a large casual player base that demands to be on equal footing with end-game raiders?

Malygos down...

Those of us who played during the beta tried to tell Blizzard that the content was too easy for the high end raiders. Now I guess TwentyFifthNovember kinda proved that point. Personally I'm prepping up for first raids myself and based on this feat, expect our guild to be in the same situation with all Wrath of the Lich King raid content cleared in less than two weeks.