Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dynasty Warriors 6 Goes Gold

Moving right along, KOEI has announced that the upcoming PC edition of their popular Hack & Slack title, Dynasty Warriors 6, has officially gone gold and will be available for purchase exclusively through digital distribution outlets in North America and Brazil on November 18th. Here's the scoop:

Burlingame, CA – November 3, 2008 - KOEI, recognized worldwide as the premier brand of strategy and action games, today announced that DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system has reached gold status. The highly-anticipated Tactical Action game ships on November 18, 2008 to North American retailers including: Amazon, EBGames, Game Crazy, GameFly, GameStop, and Walmart.

Featuring the full cast of playable characters of the original release, DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 for PlayStation 2 comes action-packed with platform-exclusive content including: 10 new scenarios, five additional stages, plus new “Musou” mode stories and weapons for popular characters Zhang He, Cao Pi, Ling Tong, Ma Chao, Taishi Ci and Yue Ying.

DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 also comes to Windows-based PC on November 18, 2008 exclusively through digital download for reside 2112 nts of North America and Brazil. The game is in stores now for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.

Want to 'try before you buy'? Then be sure to check out the 320MB demo!