Friday, October 24, 2008

Gameplay video -- Tomb Raider: Underworld looking good

Gameplay video -- Tomb Raider: Underworld looking good

Tomb Raider: Underworld is just about to come to town. Lara Croft is ready to bring justice, and big guns. And firearms. And treasure. And the underworld and stuff.

The first clip shows L.C chillin' in some Mayan ruin that surprisingly was not ransacked by the invasion of the deadly Spaniards, a couple hundred years back.

The second clip shows L.C as she vows to only treasure hunt via a motorcycle, in an effort to increase production.

Pictured above is the new Lara Craft model, Alison Carroll. Unfortunately she is too sexy for me to really come up with anything else to say about her.

Underworld is the eight game to be made in the series. The next-gen version of the game (shown in these clips) is being made by developer Crystal Dynamics, and is going to be published by Eidos Interactive. Some of you gamers out there will be interested to know that this is the engine that will be behind cyberpunk FPS-[hopefully]RPG Deus Ex 3.