Sunday, October 12, 2008

BlizzCon 2008 Opening Announcement... Nothing!

BlizzCon 2008 has kicked off in Anaheim, California. The big news from the opening ceremony is that there is no big news. Sure, BlizzCon 2008 attendees will find Starcraft 2 beta keys in their goody bags, but there is no word yet when the beta will start. From that we now know it's going to be the next Blizzard game out, but most had guessed as much. Beyond that... there is going to be a Starcraft 2 tournament at Blizzcon 2008 and Diablo 3 is being shown in playable form at the convention floor with a new class - The Wizard - being shown for the first time (YouTube Video).

None of that is truly remarkable or surprising, and that's it 218d . Nothing major was announced. Not even a release date or release quarter for Starcraft 2! I'm not sure how many expected a big announcement - I was doubtful as Blizzard already got their plate full for the next year or so with Wrath of the Lich King, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, but still... the fact that Blizzard has almost nothing new to show is... fail.