Friday, October 24, 2008

Flash game spotlight: Mastermind: World Conqueror

Flash game spotlight: Mastermind: World Conqueror

If you have a bit time to kill sometime, you should go over here and check out Mastermind: World Conqueror.

In this game you play a evil mad genius, sort of similar to Dr. Evil. Your goal, of course, is to completely destroy the Earth.

World Conqueror has a really nice design to it. Roughly half the game is a strategy game, where you have to plot your way to supreme power by planning criminal missions, buying businesses, building bases, and stealing scientific research. The other half of the game is a more of a simple RTS or 'defense' game, where you have to protect your base from a horde of virtuous invaders using a small army of minions at your disposal.

The game is quite fun. The voice acting and small animations are pretty amusing, and for a flash game, there is a surprising amount of depth to the strategy. Even the ending of the game is terrific.

If World Conqueror has one flaw, perhaps it is that it is too easy. Perhaps I'm just a natural evil Mastermind -- but for whatever reason, I never came that close to losing when I was playing the game last night. Nonetheless the game was a great deal of fun -- easily one of the best flash games I've ever played, and up there with my previous favorite Last Stand 2.

The creator of the game is Mike Swain. Besides kick-ass flash games, he also makes odd cartoons and funny web-comics. His place on the web is