Saturday, October 25, 2008

ATI & NVIDA release Far Cry 2 drivers

ATI & NVIDA release Far Cry 2 drivers

If you have any gamer buddies who are big FPS fans and they look tired today, I'd guess it's because they were up all night playing the excellent Far Cry 2.

Some reports of technical problems with the game have cropped up. Not many people have had problems; the most common one seems to be some sort of screen tearing if you have an ATI card. But don't fret! Both NVIDIA and ATI have lined up the particular problems and shot them with a AK-47 with a reliability mod.

Both ATI and NVIDIA have released hot-fix drivers to help with performance and problems in the game.

This is NVIDIA's second Far Cry 2 hotfix driver, actually. Sort of a hot-fix hot-fix driver, you could say. 

Inscribed in a press release were some words from some Ubisoft guy named Louis-Pharand; he had this to say: "Since we first began working on Far Cry 2 in early 2005, we have used GeForce GPU’s to develop the game and worked closely with NVIDIA’s excellent engineers. While Far Cry 2 represents an outstanding PC gaming experience for a wide range of systems, GeForce users can expect to enjoy the game quite literally 'The Way It Was Meant To Be Played'." Unsurprisingly, annetodal evidence does suggest that FC2 does indeed run a bit smoother on NVIDIA cards, as opposed to ATI cards.

You get the drivers over here -- but watch out! They are hot: NVIDIA (XP-32) ,NVIDIA (XP-64), NVIDIA (Vista-32), NVIDIA (Vista-64), ATI (all OS.)