Monday, October 27, 2008

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Treating us to a little eyecandy tonight, the guys over at Creative Assembly have released 23 (!) new screenshots from their highly anticipated Strategy title, Empire: Total War. These latest screenies show off the game's campaign map and some HUGE land/sea battles. Enjoy:

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War Screenshots

Empire: Total War is scheduled for release on February 6th, 2009.