Friday, January 1, 2010

[Update] Mass Effect 2 trailer gives insight into Grunt's and Thane's motivations

[Update] Mass Effect 2 trailer gives insight into Grunts and Thanes motivations

Based on what we've seen so far, Shepard is recruiting some pretty dangerous people in Mass Effect 2. Subject Zero is an unstable biotic who likely has more STDs than medical science can document, and Thane's an assassin who can take out a small squad of armed guard with his bare hands. And who can forget Grunt, your bloodthirsty Krogan friend?

In the latest Mass Effect 2 character trailer, titled "Savage," Grunt does note he's loyal to Shepard. The one thing he loves more than following Shepard's orders to kill is doing it for fun, so our Spectre should probably keep an eye on the guy anyway.

Grunt explains in the "Savage" trailer that his favorite hobby is, in fact, killing anything (and everything) that moves, which could explain why he was taking on a giant burrowing worm ten times his size. Quote the Krogan: "If he tells me to kill, I'm gonna kill. If he tells me to fire, I'm gonna fire. If he tells me to stop, I'll stop. Eventually."

Bottom line, Grunt's not here to save the galaxy -- he's here to kill.

Update: Here's the other murderer in your party, Thane. He doesn't talk quite as much as Grunt and simply states the obvious, "I was chosen for this mission because killing is an art, and I am a master."

Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games

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