Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ArmA II Patch v1.05 Released

As promised, Bohemia Interactive has released a new patch (v1.05) for their hit tactical shooter, ArmA II. In addition to the usual laundry list of bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, this 270MB update offers a new "Eagle Wing" mini-campaign, along with an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and a new warfare mode called "When Diplomacy Fails". You can check out the full changelog right here or just hit-up any of the following mirrors to start downloading:

YouGamers (courtesy of GamersHell)FileShackActionTripWorthPlaying

Grab it while it's hot! :D

‘New Moon’ Screenwriter Reveals Four Tweaks That Made The Film WorkArmA 2 Patch v1.05 To Include Free DLC