Sunday, December 13, 2009

ArmA 2 Patch v1.05 To Include Free DLC

In addition to the usual truck-load of bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, Bohemia Interactive have announced that the upcoming v1.05 patch for ArmA II will include a new "Eagle Wing" mini-campaign, along with an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and a new warfare mode called "When Diplomacy Fails". Here's the dirt:

The “Eagle Wing“ mini-campaign expands upon one of the seven unique endings of the original ARMA 2 over two extensive new levels; It's the year 2012, the war in Chernarus has overgrown into a conflict between the USA and the Russian Federation. The player finds themselves caught in the middle of an escalating conflict. As a pilot of the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, the player's task seems easy - to get behind enemy lines and attack. However the situation is about to change rapidly...

Amongst other things the 1.05 patch features a new warfare mode "When Diplomacy Fails", including 3-side support for diplomacy between all factions allowing players to 2117enjoy the strategic part of the game in a size never seen before. Warfare mode is a unique gaming experience first introduced in ARMA: Armed Assault. The mode combines tactical FPS gameplay with strategic elements which allow players to either join the fight in the front lines attacking the enemy directly, or to crush them in a commander position giving orders to other players whilst managing resources and the main base. Moreover each player is allowed to lead his own squad. Up to 32 players are supported, this multiplayer mode is a true war experience.

The update is due out later this month. To help whet our appetite, the developers have released a short teaser trailer. Check it out:

Thanks to GameTrailers for the above stream. A mirror is also available at the FileShack.

‘New Moon’ Screenwriter Reveals Four Tweaks That Made The Film WorkArmA II “Eagle Wing”, “When Diplomacy Fails” free DLC announced