Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stars Wars: The Old Republic beta accepting applications

The Old Republic beta accepting applications

BioWare's first MMORPG endevaour, the great-looking Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) has opened up for beta applications. You can take a roll of the dice over here -- oh -- hang on a second -- doh! It seems that they recieved too many applications in the few hours the forms went live, so they have temporarily closed the doors already. Hopefully they'll be back up soon, as they say on the page.

The beta period does not have a start date pegged yet. We would imagine a long closed beta would start in early 2010, but that is just a guess from what we've seen.

In order to sign up for the beta, you must be a member of the Bioware community forums. If you have some more questions, you can check out the beta FAQ -- once it gets put back online .

‘Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince’ Breaks Midnight RecordsStar War: The Old Republic Beta Sign-ups Begin!