The Soldier and Scout of Team Fortress 2 don't exactly get along. They're like Spy and Medic, only considerably less sinister and one-sided.
So there's this English animator on YouTube who goes by the name of "jazzman9475," and he's got an ongoing collection of Team Fortress 2 machinima. It's not the usual stuff either, but rather something completely original and fluid.
What does this have to do with the Soldier versus Scout? Each class has his own moves, borrowed from famous dances -- a few from the Prince of Pop himself. The latest is a continuation of his Scout dance video and actually includes props.
Here's the Soldier attempting to get his groove on and failing miserably, thanks to the Demo and Scout getting in his way. Be sure to check out jazzman's other TF2 videos animations after.
Sections:Console Games, PC Games