Monday, June 16, 2008

Spore Creature Creator Date Confusion

Spore Creature Creator Date Confusion

Spore - the actual game - is still a few months away, but EA is officially launching the hype machine for the game with the Spore Creature Creator. Originally announced for June 17th, the date is now in doubt as there are conflicting reports of a possible delay.

Word on the related forums is that at least some people who have preordered the $9.99 Spore Creature Creator have received emails stating it has been delayed by a day, to June 18th, while others have reported of a longer delay (June 22nd is another date that has floated around). The official site still claims June 17th, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Either way, a "leaked" free trial version of the creator is making rounds and once something is on the internet, it's everywhere. Supposedly the installer was lifted from a magazine coverdisc and offers 25% of the creature parts available in the full version. I can't offer a link, but if you want to get your hands on it right now, most friendly Torrent sites are happy to help. Just don't come back complaining if your PC manages to grow an extra arm after you installed something from a dodgy source... If in doubt, wait for the official download.

Unintended Side-Effects

Meanwhile, YouTube and numerous picture hosting sites are rapidly filling up with all kinds of "creative" efforts produced with the Spore Creature Creator. While I applaud the creativity, I wonder how EA will react to all the crude penis-themed mutations littering the internet...

Spore Creature Creator Date Confusion

A twisted mind might see something wrong here...

Spore Creature Creator Date Confusion

Some are less subtle with their "art"...

The Political Machine 2008 Screenshots