Friday, April 10, 2009

Riddick DRM Woes Surface

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is now in stores and it seems that Atari has omitted one small detail when promoting the game - the game is riddled with SecuROM and limited installations. To make things worse, there is no revocation mechanism in place. Currently the retail version of the game is limited to three installs, after which you get to call support and try to convince them that you are not trying to "steal" the game you purchased. As can be expected, the early adopters are not amused.

I thought this whole SecuROM thing went out of style - EA is dumping it for The Sims 3 and mending it's past failures with the universal revocation tool. It looks like Atari didn't get the memo, so a recap is in order; Consumers dislike games with install limitations and absolutely despise games with non-revocable install limitations. Hard disk failures, upgrades and Windows reinstalls are a fact of life for PC gamers and DRM systems that, by design, do not play ball with the reality are just a way to displease the paying customers . Easiest way not to 201a fail is to embrace Steam - with Valve's service you get tangible benefits to go with the online authentication and Steam couldn't care less how many times you install the game you have paid for.

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Electronic Arts “learning” with DRM