Red Faction and Saint's Row series developer Volition says they're now committed to the PC, and at least for the forseeable future, won't be outsourcing their PC versions to other studios anymore. Saint's Row 2 and Red Faction: Guerilla both went that route and suffered for it, though the latter title was eventually fixed up proper with patches.
In any case, the studio is acting on its word already: studio manager Eric Barker is saying the upcoming PC version of Red Faction: Armageddon looks "absolutely beautiful" with a solid graphics card, and Saint's Row: The Third sounds like it will be getting similar treatment.
Happily, Barker seems to get that piracy isn't a big deal if you compete with it by offering enough incentive.
"I don't think [it's] something at the forefront for us," he says. "First and foremost, we want to make sure we're making a game people would want to pirate. Let's make a game that's worth stealing, and then we'll worry about making sure they don't."
This all seems to fit in with the new plan at THQ, who own Volition and "want everything on PC."
Section:PC Games