Saturday, January 29, 2011

New screenshots depict Black Ops 'First Strike' maps in hi-res detail

New screenshots depict Black Ops First Strike maps in hi-res detail

By now, you should be pretty familiar with the five new Black Ops maps, available next week on February 1 to the Xbox LIVE community. The gameplay footage has been pouring in, but if you haven't already gotten your fix, Acti and Treyarch released new screenshots today, highlighting the five different environments.

Treyarch has promised more dynamic maps with the 'First Strike' DLC, adding in breakable landscapes and a new way of getting around: ziplines. Snipers may also find new places to hide, which makes everyone else pretty unhappy.

Then there's the 'Ascension' map, made just for you zombie lovers (or zombie killers). Only one screenshot in today's collection touches on that, but it's appropriately spooky. The team also came up with poster art to celebrate the undead, reminiscent of action movie posters from decades past -- or Left 4 Dead.

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Sections:Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles


New screenshots depict Black Ops First Strike maps in hi-res detail

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