Sunday, July 12, 2009

Command & Conquer 4 Announced

Keeping the good news coming today, EALA has officially announced the development of Command & Conquer 4, which they're calling the "epic conclusion of the Tiberium Saga". Due out in 2010, the game will offer two campaigns playable solo or cooperatively, a new 5v5 objective-based multiplayer mode, mobile bases, persistent player progression and much, much more! Here's a little snippet from the press release:

"Command & Conquer is a powerful franchise with an amazing 15-year legacy. We are thrilled to bring the dramatic Tiberium saga to a conclusion in Command & Conquer 4. This game is designed to give fans all the answers they've been looking for," said Mike Glosecki, Lead Producer of Command & Conquer 4 at EA Los Angeles. "With its objective-based multiplayer mode, persistent player progression and all-in-one mobile base, players will experience Command & Conquer like never before."

They also note that the July 24th episode of BattleCast PrimeTime will be offering some new details on C&C4 and GameTra 221f ilers TV will be airing a cinematic trailer on July 23rd. So keep an eye out for those!