Monday, September 19, 2011

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC will be shared between PS3 and Vita

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC will be shared between PS3 and Vita

So Street Fighter X Tekken will be released for more than one PlayStation brand platform.  Fine, but how will the DLC for PS3 and Vita versions work?  If Capcom gets their way, then DLC between Sony's two platforms will be shared. While no DLC has been announced, we all know it's coming.  Lots of it.  But sharing DLC means that if you buy the content for either PS3 or Vita, you will have it unlocked for the other platform.  Pretty neat. Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono stated that they are currently working with Sony on getting this feature implemented. "Yes, they're different hardware, but they're part of the same PlayStation family, so to speak, so we're already talking with Sony about ways to sync things together. As long as you're using the same PSN account, things you've purchased on the Vita version will work on PS3 and vice versa." SFxT K will be out some time in March 2012.