Sunday, September 25, 2011

2K Marin explains XCOM remake and origins in first developer video

2K Marin explains XCOM remake and origins in first developer video

Developing XCOM hasn't been easy for 2K Marin.  When the game first debuted at E3, the reception was unfavorable -- to say the least -- and the studio had to completely redo what they had already accomplished.  What we saw at E3 2011 was solid, but in July, the project's lead designer and art director left 2K Marin to form their own studio.  Yeah, talk about terrible luck.  Fortunately, the game is still going through, and the team has released the first in a series of developer diaries explaining the XCOM reboot.  The new XCOM is meant to be an origins tale, dropping in on the agency before it went international and recruited all those amazing agents of theirs.  The year is 1962, and the United States is being overrun by a terrifying enemy that seeks to completely transform Earth in an effort to colonize our planet.  These aren't the kind of aliens we typicall see in shooters these days, either. The terraforming process is a sight to behold, really.  On one side, you have Earth, organic and vibrant, but over time, the terraform spreads and morphs our world into something distinctly alien.  Dark crystalline formations pop up everywhere, and the result is a feast for the eyes.  The video also delves deeper into the strategic and somewhat RPG-esque gameplay elements of XCOM as well.  Definitely worth a look, whether or not you're familiar with the original. Sections: Microsoft Consoles, Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles