So apparently nearly 50 percent of DC Universe Online players are running the PS3 version. Fascinating stuff. Well, we hope you really like the game and plan to play for a long, long time. Why? Because that's all your copy is good for, whether you've got it for PS3 or PSN.
That serial key you punched in to activate DCUO was only good for one-time use, meaning you can't (or shouldn't, at least) resell the game at a later date to someone else. This is pretty old news to PC gamers, who are probably making a face at their monitors right now and saying, "Thank you, Captain Obvious." For console gaming, however, it's a bit of a change.
"Once the PSN key has been consumed with a disk it cannot be resold/ replayed with the second user adding a sub," Sony Online Entertainment recently confirmed. "Only the original consumer can use that account. Disk and account are one."
Basically, the key is attached to your PSN account and can't be reused by another subscriber, and secondhand buyers won't be able to apply for a new key with old copies of the game. Bummer.
Sections:Console Games, PC Games, Sony Consoles